Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Dr. Richard Bernard Celebrates 38 Years of Practice

Dr. Richard Bernard received his doctor of chiropractic degree from the prestigious Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1978. For years he had a successful practice in Mill Valley, California and was featured on Channel 5 TV in the San Francisco area. He has had extensive training and internship in craniosacral therapy with some of the world’s top experts. Currently, he is working in the Hollywood and Los Feliz area where he is providing chiropractic, craniosacral therapy, muscle balancing techniques and exercise rehabilitation. After providing relief Dr. Bernard works to educate the patient in a manner to assist them to be more causative in caring for their body. Neck, shoulder, arm, hand and back problems associated with working in an office environment frequently respond well to the forms of care provided by Dr. Bernard. To book an appointment with Dr. Bernard, call: 323-906-8944